Sunday, July 15, 2007

ok o my laptop has totally gone crapola on me and has decided not to work anymore. This means that I cannot upload anymore pictures so until i figure out a way to upload pics in the computer lab i guess this is it for the running pictoral commentary.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Taking the bus in taipei. You pay when you get off, I wonder what would happen if you just ditched? they probably have some midget that chases you down and kicks you in the nads for not paying.

Shi da night market. Land of Street meat, underaged girls, and gaudy accessories. (see pics below)

Taiwan is a cash society. Now you can show how much you love to use cash with a brand new "no credit cards accepted" t-shirt. Excuse me do you have any "honk if your horny" T-shirts left?

I don't why this is so funny, but it just is. Maybe because of its ultra phallic symbolism or maybe cause it looks like poo on a stick. . . both!

this is the hot dog of the future! Pork sausage stuff ontop of a rice sausage with a myriad of goodies inside. After eating one of these bad boys a NY dirty water hot dog will never taste as good.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Ok so i'm going to be making a move from the building i'm living in right now to an apartment somewhere on jilong rd. The main reason I'm moving is because where i'm staying right now, there is a 12am curfew and if I don't make it back by then, i'm locked out till 6 am. So not feeling like living like a 16 year old again I have opted to move out. stay tuned for pictures and commentary about the new digs.